Lessons from an Underpass – Detours of Life

I’ve been learning a lot lately from a “one-car-at-a-time” underpass on a road that I travel almost daily. The first lesson it taught me was about the detours of life. As I suppose is true with most underpasses, there is a height restriction. On more than one occasion, I have watched a tractor trailer truck approach the underpass and realize that he is not going to be able to pass. And thus begins the huge effort of turning around a large truck in a tiny space.

Most of the time, I don’t even think it’s the fault of the driver. Since there is an industrial park near this underpass, I’m sure that this road is one of the ways that GPS guides drivers. In my mind, I imagine the driver enjoying his ride, thinking he is close to his destination. He has followed all the directions and never once veered off course. He is confident in where he is going because the GPS is knowledgeable and has successfully guided him to where he needs to go multiple times over.Why wouldn’t this trip be any different?

But it is. There is an underpass that he can’t go under. He didn’t do anything wrong – and yet, he has to find a different route to take.

Have you ever felt that way? I have. I’ve been doing life – doing all the things I’m supposed to be doing – following the directions I’m supposed to be taking – when suddenly in my path is an obstacle that creates a detour. I didn’t do anything wrong – but here it is. And so I begin to have to regroup and find a “recalculation” of life.

These recalculations can be frustrating. They can take time to turn around and get yourself ready to go in a new direction. They don’t always make sense when you know the destination is less than a mile away, but the detour will take you further away before you get closer.

But what my experience at the underpass has shown me – is that even though a truck has to take a detour – the location is not of reach. There are roads that will get a driver to the industrial park. It just takes some backing up, turning around, getting straight and then moving forward. Yes, it does add unwanted time to get there – but they will get there.

Proverbs 16:9 tells us that “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Sometimes the detours are not His doing. Sometimes the actions of others causes detours that weren’t originally part of the plan. But sometimes, He knows that the road He is leading us on contains an underpass we can’t go under….but He is there directing all of our steps.

I can’t say I always understand why detours happen. Most of the time, I have no clue. But I do that even though they exist – it doesn’t mean that the destination has changed.


The Underpass